Per adesso, godetevi i lavoretti che ho realizzato per un tenerissimo trio di bimbi: un fratellino e due sorelline che, ora, hanno questi tre portachiavi appesi ai loro zaini per la scuola. L'idea mi piace proprio!
English now, please
So, the cold season is here and I'm up to date because I've catched mine two weeks ago yet. The problem, now, is that it does't seem to be finally leaving me. I don't give up, I'll be winner in the end! In the meantime, my virtual stack of unpublished pics doesn't low and im just too busy working on commissions and blowing my nose to take new ones. My mind is so full of ideas for the approaching Christmas season that I'll have to heal as soon as possible or they'll try to eat me when I sleep! For the time being, enjoy what I made for a super cute trio of little persons. A brother and two sisters who have, now, theese keyring hung to their schoolbags. I definetly like the idea!